Tune into my YouTube guest spot!

Tune into my YouTube guest spot!

About a year or so ago I started dabbling in interactive mini albums and folios. As a self-proclaimed non-scrap booker, I admit this was an interesting path for me to take, but guess what. I LOVE making them which means I have a LOT of them. More on that later.

Fast forward to last week…

So, there I was, happily puttering away at another new craft adventure and then last week I got the message that every creative person lives for. One of my very favorite album artists (Frances Long) approached me about sharing one of the photo albums I had made. I’d already shared the album on her Facebook Group Page (Your Book of Memories Mini Album Artists) and received more than my share of kudos and compliments there. I mean really. How many accolades does one person deserve? Of course, I love and appreciate every one, but my first though was, really? Me? She can’t be serious. This was followed immediately by, holy cow this is SUPER exciting and a little scary. I mean, I had to pack up this rather precious album that commemorates our trip to Vienna, Austria and trust the postal service to handle my baby with care. Okay. Deep breath. There’s bubble wrap and packing material and safeguards we can put in place to protect the flowers on the cover… and I knew that Frances would handle it with the utmost care. So, I did it. I tucked my nerves away, packed it up and shipped it to Frances who wasted no time at all in posting this video.

Yes, I cried a little because she’s just so darned sweet and genuine and lovely. Who wouldn’t want to be honored in this way? To say I feel blessed and honored is not even close to the mark. Of course, I am delighted at how beautifully this album came together but the inspiration for it was all from Frances and her class. Rich and I were blessed with a beautiful city to vacation in and more photos than I really knew what to do with. This album gave me a spot to showcase over 100 of those photos and will forever be a keepsake of our vacation to the glorious cities of Vienna and Salzburg. Thank you Frances for the inspiration and the class that guided me through the creation of this book.

About those albums…

I’ve created several different mini albums (and I use that term lightly because they often don’t seem “mini” to me), and have given some away as gifts. Here’s the thing you need to know about these books: If all I was after was the chance to see the joy on the face of the person who receives them, a gift I made with my own hands, my heart would be filled to the brim every time. It’s more than a little addicting actually! What I didn’t consider when I started creating these albums is that I would accumulate them faster than I could give them away. If my friends and relatives are to be believed, offering them up for sale would make a lot of people very happy. So… I will be opening a new section in my store very soon where I will offer some of the albums I am making for sale. Bear in mind, these are one of a kind, (literally) and prices will vary depending upon the scope of the work involved in creating them and the size of the album. It’s going to take me a little time to get them photographed and added to the store, but do watch for them to appear soon. I hope you will love them as much as I do.

and if you made it this far…

Have I got a sweetheart <3 of a deal for you!

Starting February 1st and running for the entire month, I will be offering a 20% discount off your entire order from my store (excluding the albums). It’s a sweetheart of a deal so be sure to come back to shop!

Thanks for stopping by today and stay warm !

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