Welcome home!

Hello! I am so very excited to finally get this site up and running. Running seems to be my word of the year because, I feel like our family has been in constant motion since March. Bear in mind, when I say “running” I don’t mean actually running. Lord no. That looks way too much like exercise and, well, no. Just no.
At any rate, it’s been a hectic year so far for us, and finding time to launch this new website and blog has been a challenge. It’s not 100% perfect yet, but let’s just call it a work in progress, shall we? So, welcome to my brand-spankin’ new website and blog! I am so pleased that you stopped by, even if you are only here because I shamelessly “encouraged” you to check it out. Cuz, ya know…we’re friends and all.
I admit it has been a while since I did this whole blogging thing on anything resembling a regular basis, but I am really excited about this and all the fun, and hopefully, good things I will be sharing like a super quick soup recipe that you just might have the ingredients on hand for. Win, win right? So, keep reading…the recipe is at the end of this post.
Unlike my previous foray into websites and blogging, this new site also has its very own store! This is also a work in progress in every way. Have patience with me as I navigate the twists and turns of creating something and then putting it out into the world as something others might actually want. Of course, I have a few different categories in mind and will add them and the goodies I create to them as they come into being. With that, be sure to check back from time to time to see what’s happening on My Store page and see if there’s maybe something there that piques your interest. *wink* PS. the candles are YUMMY which is why I am leading with those. I’m experimenting with new scents all the time so watch for additions to the lineup that fit the season.
As for my big ol’ plan for this blog, well I guess I am planning to share a variety of things. Things like little life hacks and tips for making your life a smidge easier and less crazy, recipes for economical , easy-to-toss-together dishes to save you time and the frustration of trying to figure out what to make, and the occasional bit of “sage” advice. I also have a million ideas for planner pages and pretty calendars to make your organized life a lot more fun and joyful and yes, crafts. Of course, crafts play a big, scratch that, HUGE part in my life and are, quite often, how I show and share my love. Hand made is always best. I’ll be sharing some freebies from time to time, and my recipes will always be free and available on my Recipes page. Good food is meant to be shared after all!
All of this probably sounds a little eclectic and crazy, but I hope you will follow me on my journey and help me share the love. Let’s make this world a happier, kinder place to be and, if we’re lucky, we’ll have some fun along the way!
To kick things off, here’s that super quick soup recipe that I promised you. Enjoy!
Thanks so much for stopping by!