Meet Toni

Welcome to the Heartland!

I’m Toni. Author of this blog and crafter of all the things. By day, I’m a Marketing Specialist where I spend a crazy amount of time juggling projects and trying to find innovative new ways to market electrical products.

My friends and family will tell you that I generally always have at least one DIY project going, (Much to my hubby’s dismay) and am usually looking ahead to the next thing.

But most of all, I LOVE to craft. Give me some time in my studio and I’m a happy camper. I’ve been crafting most of my life, and come from a long line of creative women.

I also love to cook for friends and family, which generally means I get to plan a party or gathering of some sort and that makes me happy too!

Finally, I love it when I can share something that makes you smile or fills a need. It’s my why. Nothing would please me more than to know that you found something you needed here on my site!

A little history

If you’ve scrolled this far, I am guessing you are still curious about what makes me tick. *wink*

Well, once upon a time, many moons ago… LOL! Seriously, while I live in Minnesota now, that wasn’t always the case. I’m actually a North Dakota girl, born and raised in what (at the time) was a tiny little blink-and-you-miss it town south of Fargo. I grew up in a 100+ year old house located right smack dab in the middle of Main Street, but our entire town was surrounded by farm country, so as you might imagine, the tallest building in town was the grain elevator. Well, at least until they put in the water tower. I’m the youngest of six kids, and I come from a very long line of creative people. Both my parents were creative and talented in their own way, and they passed that along to all of us kids. Mom had her own drapery business from the time that I was born, and my dad was always puttering in his wood shop or working in his massive garden. This is where I developed my love of good food, fresh vegetables, apples picked right off the tree, and crafts. Always the crafts…

Why Love from the Heartland?

The name is a nod to my parents actually. Growing up, I remember lots of birthdays and Christmases where the gifts were hand made with a whole lotta love. My dad liked to remind us that we lived in the heartland, and we did. Surrounded by farmland, our little town often felt like it was at the heart of it all. Both of my parents are gone now, but I’m making it my purpose in life to spread the love they shared with us with all of you. Welcome to the Heartland!

Want to connect?

Hop on over to my social pages or send me a note if you want to chat about something in particular. I’ll do my best to get back to you within one to three days. Barring any catastrophes, like losing my internet connection or (dare I hope?) something fun like an actual vacation, I promise I will get back to you cuz, you know…you’re pretty important to me.

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